Amrullah Saleh, who had claimed that his Twitter page had been hacked and blocked, announced the activation of his Twitter account again and introduced himself as the vice president of Afghanistan.
Ashraf Ghani took Amrullah Saleh with him as vice president in 2019 elections, he was severely criticized by many and unprecedented. At that time, all the critics said that this person has no understanding of intelligence, no political and legal knowledge, and no management ability. But Ghani, who had already engineered the election, did not listen to the people and finished his work.
Finally, Amrullah Saleh became the vice president and with his flattery he was able to acquire high qualifications.
But the passage of time proved that people were telling the truth and this child had no knowledge in any field, as:
- With the increasing incidents of explosions and sticky bombs in Kabul, he took responsibility for the security of this city, but his uneducated knowledge of intelligence and security could not secure the capital, instead, the number of incidents increased day by day, and the city of Kabul fell. Ashraf Ghani’s government remained insecure due to the blessings of Amrullah’s administration.
- Amrullah Saleh, as the first enemy of peace and dialogue with the Islamic Emirate, constantly spoke of war and said that Taliban are not even capable of conquering a province by day, but it was seen that when the attacks on the districts and then the conquest of the provinces started, in Within two months, all of Afghanistan was lost.
- Amrullah Saleh, who showed courage and accused the parliament lawyers of that time of fear and bargaining, himself ran away from Ashraf Ghani a day ago and went to Panjshir with bags of dollars, weapons and ammunition.
Amrullah Saleh passed another test which showed his understanding and knowledge of war and intelligence. Everyone saw with their own eyes that his last stronghold in Panjshir (which had been in his hands for years) was conquered in one night, and his weapons and ammunition were transferred to the weapons reserves of Ministry of Defense for days and weeks. - This time, Amrullah Saleh has shown his understanding and legal knowledge and has announced himself as the acting president of Afghanistan.
Now let’s see what the previous law says about the head worship of the first vice president:
sixty-seventh article of the constitution of the republic says:
Article sixty-seven:
(In case of resignation and dismissal or death of the president or an incurable illness that prevents him from performing his duties, the first vice president assumes the powers and duties of the president.
The President personally announces his resignation to the National Council.
The diagnosis of incurable disease is made by a competent medical board appointed by the Supreme Court.
In these cases, elections will be held within three months to determine the new president according to Article 61 of this constitution.
first vice president cannot do the following during his tenure as interim president:
1- Amendment of the Constitution,
2- Dismissal of ministers,
3- Referring to votes.
With this description of the law regarding the headship and its conditions, Mr. Saleh calls himself the head of the presidency a year and a half after his escape (which was before the escape of the president).
The first discussion in this case is the discussion of the downfall of the system and the establishment of a new system based on which there is no president.
The head of the ministry and his deputies are all present in their duties. But if Mr. Saleh validates the past law, he should answer the following questions:
Has the president submitted his resignation to the parliament and has it been approved?
- Is the vice president who calls himself a caretaker in the country?
- Is the territory of this government known?
- Has the election been held in three months? Because this is the only duty of the head priest.
- Do the three forces of the previous government exist and have they confirmed the worship of His Highness?